CLCLeather Archive Page
Monday, January 24, 2011
You’ve ditched that sofa made out of fabric, you’ve punted that pleather futon out into the garbage, and you’ve finally invested in a nice piece of custom leather furniture.
The cost didn’t matter much because you realized the difference between savings now in the form of inexpensive furniture that performed a utilitarian purpose now, be it something that was needed to fill a space or a hunk of wood and springs that just “looked nice,” and the benefits of investing in something that would last much longer than anything stapled and tacked together with a floral print.
Your leather furniture only increases in character as the years roll on, the patches of worn surface area attesting to how inviting it is for people to get comfortable and relax, but the question of how to keep it supple and attractive is almost as elusive as how to keep your own skin looking radiant.
It is not always the most savory thing to think about, the hides of animals providing the most comfortable relaxation beyond anything a piece of fabric ever could, but as you stroll down the cleaner aisle wherever you find furniture polish or fabric cleaners you’ll notice all those other products are chock full of abrasives and chemicals. These are your skins, after all, and you need to treat them as such.
Thankfully, there’s a product like Furniture Amore, a true leather upholstery lotion that can add years to a piece of furniture simply by applying it. By understanding that your chaise lounge or your favorite home theater chair is more than just something you picked up at the corner store, Furniture Amore works by adding essential oils and conditioners to it. The upside of it being able to whisk away unsightly dirt and the smudging that can happen with anything around the home is simply an added bonus. Labels: creative leather furniture, Sofa lotion, upholstery cleaning
by: CLCLeather

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Do you have your eyes set on some women’s leather wallets as a possible gift for Valentine's Day? Choosing the right wallet for women is perhaps a lot tougher than choosing for men. The variety in design, color, and sizes is wider and more sophisticated.
Because of this wide variety in style, women sometimes find it difficult finding the right one. But with this simple and easy guide, you will learn the most basic things that you need to know when buying women’s leather wallets.
Deciding On The Color The color is very important. Even if the design is right, if the color is not matching, your overall look could be ruined. Yes, mixing and matching colors is important in women’s fashion. So decide carefully on what color to go for.
You can start by basing your selection on the design and style of the clothes you already have. Just ask: “Will this go with my dresses and clothes? Will this look good with my work attire, casual attire, formal attire?”
Deciding On The Size Next, there is the size. Women’s leather wallets vary widely not only in color but also in sizes. You will find small ones, large ones, and long ones. In any case, decide on the one that you will be mostly comfortable with because you will use it every day.
Other than comfort, consider also what you will be putting in the wallet. If you always carry around dozens of cards, licenses, and other documents, you might want to consider a bigger size. Otherwise, the extra size will only be an unflattering inconvenience.
Deciding On The Design So have you decided on the color and size? Well, you might be frustrated that some wallets feature the color and size that you want but not the design that you fancy. With that said, design also plays a major role when it comes to choosing the right wallet.
Commonly, wallets with outrageous designs and patterns are meant for casual settings. When it comes to corporate and executive settings, wallets with minimalistic design are more appropriate.
Checking The Available Compartments Not all wallets are made the same in terms of design, style, and fashion inspiration. But the same can also be said in terms of functionality. Some wallets are designed merely for looks, but some can really provide outstanding storage efficiency.
So when choosing women's wallets, go for those that have compartments for all the things that you will put in them. They should have enough slots for the number of cards you have, for the amount of cash you normally have with you, and should also have a separate section for coins. And although not necessary, you might also want a storage section for photographs.
Going For Original And Branded Go for brands that you know you can trust. Or buy them from a store or online retailer you trust, like Amazon, so that you will be satisfied with the quality and durability of the item.
Now that you know what to look for, start shopping for women’s leather wallets and keep these tips in mind. You will surely enjoy shopping for the wallet as much as purchasing the right one.
by: CLCLeather

Sunday, January 16, 2011
On Monday, the 17th of January, 2011 is the Observance of Martin Luther King Day in the United States, a day that was established many years after Dr. King was assassinated. In honor of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, I am reproducing a powerful part of one of his speeches, given in Montgomery shortly after his arrival from India.
If you ask people in India why is it that Mahatma Gandhi was able to do what he did in India, they will say they followed him because of his absolute sincerity and his absolute dedication. Here was a man who achieved in his lifetime this bridging of the gulf between the ego and the id. Gandhi had the amazing capacity for self-criticism. This was true in individual life, in his family life, and was true in his people's life. Gandhi criticized himself when he needed it. And whenever he made a mistake, he confessed it publicly.
Here was a man who would say to his people: I'm not perfect, I'm not infallible, I don't want you to start a religion around me, I'm not a god. And I'm convinced today that there would be a religion around Gandhi, if Gandhi had not insisted, all through his life: I don't want a religion around me because I'm too human, I'm too fallible, never think I'm infallible. And any time he made a mistake, even in his personal life, or even a decision he made in the independence struggle, he came out in public and said, "I made a mistake."
The rest of speech, along with other details of his India trip, can be found in his autobiography,
Live the dream of Dr. King every day. Learn from our mistakes and if not, at least we should be humble and courageous enough to ADMIT THEM, the first step in rectifying ourselves and our society at large.Labels: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, nonviolence, respect
by: CLCLeather

Friday, January 14, 2011
Wedding gifts are something that many couples keep and cherish for a lifetime, so it is important to get the new couple a gift that is loved and used for many years to come. Everyone has heard the joke about getting seven toaster ovens at their wedding, but the sad truth is that most couples do get gifts that are simply unusable or uninteresting. The next time you attend a wedding, you will want to choose the perfect gift, something that the couple will remember for a lifetime.
Gift Giving on a Budget
You can easily find affordable wedding gifts for any new couple. Here are a few of the top tips for getting the perfect gift:
- First things first. Be sure to ask where the bride and groom are registered and check their registry. Even if you don’t know the couple well, their registry will give you some ideas of which gifts they may prefer over those that won’t be appreciated.
- Get to know the bride and groom well enough to match the gifts to their personal interests. Often friends and family are a good resource for the information that will help you with your choices.
- When you know the bride and groom’s passion is a hobby, look for something that matches their interests. And make sure to read up on gift giving etiquette for weddings before you go out and spend money. A little time spent here can avoid a lot of embarrassment later on.
The more thought you put into finding affordable wedding gifts, the more they will be remembered by the bride and groom. For some couples, the best wedding gift will be something that they can use. Make sure that you avoid getting one piece in a set, such as a sugar dish that matches the dishes on the registry. These gifts may be appreciated, but are easily forgottenLabels: budget gifts, choosing the perfect gift, couple, wedding gifts
by: CLCLeather

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Happy Snow on Wednesday in 49 states!
Join our Wednesday Discussion on Facebook: Is it truly better to give than to receive and why?
We'd like to hear from parents, friends, significant others, bosses, newly married couples, students, old people and young people (and the list goes on).
Happy Gift Giving,
Adam from Labels: gift giving discussion
by: CLCLeather

Friday, January 07, 2011
Valentine's Day is one of the most romantic days to many people around the world. Girls generally love fashion and style; most men are not that up on style and need a little coaching. This is the reason why most men get a headache when thinking of gifts that will make their girlfriends happy. Men even can experience severe stress just to think that Valentine's Day is just around a corner. If you are one of those guys, your stress days are over because I am providing some tips that can help you choose the best Valentine's Day gifts for women. 1. Women can become emotional at times when gifts are given. They appreciate personalized gifts if the right gift is chosen. This is not to make their boyfriends sweat over the choice of their gift, but girls usually want to see that a personal touch went into the gifts they receive. So, if you want your girlfriend to appreciate your gift, create something fresh and new or give her a personalized gift. Examples of personalized Valentine's Day gifts for women that are popular choices including necklaces personalized with her name on the pendant, or even personalized leather gifts. 2. Women also love to collect bags, especially leather bags because they are so durable. It is always a great feeling to watch a woman’s eyes light up when she receives a leather bag. You can also personalize it for her. Such a thoughtful gift will surely make your girlfriend very happy. 3. Flowers also attract many women. This fact is as old as the world. Flowers can be a perfect gift choice for your girlfriend. Most women want to receive flowers from their boyfriend and it will be even better if you add some chocolates, if you can make them yourself. It will also be great if you personalize the chocolates with her name. This can be very romantic for a woman, because of the effort that you exerted to make her happy. 4. Women tend to be fashion conscious and like to dress in a fashionable style. Most women love to collect accessories. If you can afford jewelry, give her a nice piece of jewelry. It does not need to be very expensive. Jewelry to a girl is still jewelry, no matter how simple it can be and fashion jewelry is a hugely popular choice. You may give her a personalized leather jewelry box where she can keep all her collections. This type of gift holds her jewelry and keeps it clean, and leather is more fragrant than other type of jewelry boxes. Every time she uses it, she will think of you. 5. One of the best gift ideas is to complete her collection, whatever it may be. This can be anything from stamps to jewelry and lots of thing in between. She may be collecting coins, pins, ceramic figurines or books. For example, she may be looking for a book by a certain author, but the book has been out of stock in the market because the publisher does not print a copy anymore. If this is your case, consider yourself very lucky, because with the Internet, looking for rare books is not that difficult anymore. You may even get them at bargain price. Women appreciate any gifts from their loved ones, cheap or expensive. What is more important is that their beloved remembers. You can give her a personalized gift or flowers or anything else, as long as it is given from the heart. It may be very simple but it means a lot for her. She will like it even more if you personalize it with both of your names. Labels: leather gifts for her, personalized gifts, Valentine's Day gifts
by: CLCLeather

Sunday, January 02, 2011
When you need a new briefcase, it is always best to look at all the options available to choose the right leather briefcase for your needs. There are both soft and hard leather briefcases available to choose from, and each of these has specific benefits.
 - A soft leather briefcase is an excellent choice if you need to carry a wide variety of items, such as papers, office supplies, your jacket, art supplies and many other items. The soft briefcase is more flexible than a hard briefcase, and can often hold more items than can be packed into a hard briefcase.
- On the other hand, if you are carrying papers in addition to other items, you will need to have them placed in a hard backed binder or book to ensure they aren’t crinkled under the weight of other items.
- Soft leather briefcases, however, can be the perfect choice for a wide variety of careers. Soft leather briefcases are considered to be a more casual choice that works well in more situations than a hard briefcase, and with super soft, buttery leather available you will find that a soft briefcase quickly becomes one of your favorite bags to carry for work.
- A hard leather briefcase is also a good choice, and is particularly good for anyone who wants a more protective case for their items, especially in the case of laptop computers.
Hard leather briefcases are a more traditional choice for business men and women. With classic colors such as brown and black, these bags work well with any business wardrobe. A hard briefcase will protect your laptop better than a soft briefcase, even if you are bumped and shuffled on the commute to work every day. - A hard briefcase is also a conservative choice that shows both employers and clients that you are serious about your work, and reflects a more traditional style than a more casual soft leather briefcase.
- Choosing a high quality hard leather briefcase is a good idea if you need to make long trips carrying paperwork, but don’t often need to carry other materials that may not fit into a rigid space.
- For example, if you are planning to go to the gym after work, you may find that your gym supplies won’t fit into the space offered by a hard leather briefcase. A leather briefcase is a great gift idea, whether you choose hard or soft.
- Giving a Briefcase as a Gift
When you want to give someone a leather briefcase as a gift, you need to know a little about their career and what they do before and after work. - An example is when the recipient is a subway rider and likes to spend some time in the city after work. For this individual a soft leather briefcase is a good choice that will allow them ample room for the supplies needed to handle the challenges of their day.
- For someone on your gift list who enjoys the luxury of driving to work daily for a 9 to 5 job, a hard leather briefcase is a more perfect option and a great travel companion.
Labels: hard leather, leather briefcases, soft leather gifts
by: CLCLeather

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