Here's some interesting advice for women from a woman:
Women in business today have enough on their plates to worry about without wasting time on the smaller details, like accessories. The fact of the matter though, is that accessories are a requirement when your day consists of papers, computers and constantly being on the move. Anything that adds to the productivity of your day deserves some attention and thought.
Leather briefcases are just one of the many things that you drag around with your entire life inside. When the time comes to grab a new, reliable case consider the aspects of your day to day business.
If you’re one of the lucky ones then perhaps your briefcase isn’t filled with ten pounds or more of computer and various related items. If papers are the worst of your daily trek then a
soft leather briefcase with a simple flap and latch should work for you. It keeps papers safely concealed and dry but also provides fast access. Double compartments are nice for separating client information or tossing in your wallet for a quick grab when needed.
Simple leather briefcases are certainly not made for everybody. It’s not unusual for the corporate woman to require much more in the way of space and organization.
Leather laptop cases are designed with the needs of your computer in mind. Find one in just the same size as your laptop for a perfect fit. No more squeezing to get corners to zip shut. That never works well and only leads to early breakage. Eliminate that hassle with a smooth fit. If you have a mess of pens, paper clips and keys tossed in with your laptop then a case with an added organizer can do wonders to bring an end to that chaos thrown in the bottom of the bag.
Carrying or pulling a leather briefcase around doesn’t have to consist of the drab brown colors of the past. Let your personality come through with a sleek black case or show your wild side with a
red rolling briefcase that can be pulled easily behind you. Reduce stress and tension on your back by choosing one on wheels. Back strain is common among employees who spend a lot of time on their feet. Cut your risk of injury by pulling your load rather than carrying it.
For the woman that loves to add splashes of bright color to accessories try
bright pink passport covers to really stand out from the crowd. Fashion isn’t limited only to clothing anymore. Let it wash over into the everyday items you already carry. Just because you’re required to keep track of so much doesn’t mean it can’t look good. Why not consider one as a gift item for an employee or family member?
Everyone has their own personal preference and reasons behind their accessory choice. What's more, you may have your own special reasons for needing a certain item. If you have a back or neck injury then a briefcase on wheels may even be doctor’s orders. The things we use in everyday life may help or harm us depending on circumstance. Do what you can to protect yourself as much as you protect your information.
By T. Marie, Guest Blogger for
CLCLabels: fashion colors, fashionable gifts, pink passports, women's advice
by: CLCLeather

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