CLCLeather Archive Page
Monday, February 28, 2011
For a good majority of us, especially those in the business sector, having a sturdy leather laptop case is almost essential. This will especially hold true if you do any type of extended traveling by car or by air. You have a lot invested in your laptop, not to mention the various files that might be at risk if your it was damaged. So it just makes good common sense to avail yourself to the many quality leather laptop bags that are now available on the market.
It now doesn't matter what size your laptop may be, from the smallest net book up to a full size 17 inch case, leather manufacturers now have styles and sizes to fit just about any type of laptop need that you have.
After all, there is nothing quite so frustrating than reaching a destination to give your client or customer that knock 'em dead presentation only to find out your laptop was damaged in transit! Yikes! Just a bit awkward, don't you think?
Gone are the days when when leather laptop cases were more of a burden than a help. You know the ones, straps and buckles galore and very little room for anything else.The new generation of leather laptop cases are sleek, stylish and have the ability to protect your laptop no matter where you might be headed.
You also have the convenience of choosing laptop cases on wheels for even more convenience. Think about how nice that would be as you weave your your way through a busy airport terminal. Plus you don't have the additional strain on your back from carrying that case that was probably weighted down with folders and numerous accessories.
Another very popular style of leather laptop cases is one that is actually modular, and yes, it also has wheels to help speed you along. But the idea behind this is that you can store just about everything that you need from your office and then detach just a wonderfully sleek laptop case so you're not dragging everything into a client's office. And talk about convenience when it comes time to go through airport security!
Now the problem that most consumers face is not where to find a leather laptop case, but choosing one that is high quality and will be durable for years to come. And sometime that is not the easiest of tasks.
But there is a simple solution.
When you want leather laptop cases that are made out of only the best high quality leather, and you want pricing that will make your checkbook or credit card smile, then you need to take a look at CLC. Labels: ipad case, laptop cases, netbook case
by: CLCLeather

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Ready To Discover The Top 5 Leather Birthday Gift Ideas?
Truthfully speaking, it was very difficult to actually pick out the top 5 leather birthday gift ideas because there are so many different scenarios and qualified leather gifts. You have men shopping for wives, girlfriends shopping for boyfriends, parents shopping for a teen-aged daughters or sons and countless more combinations! So to pick the best leather birthday gift ideas and make it into a top 5 list took a little bit of thought.
But with that said....drum roll please..Ok Ok...only a short drum roll!! · Here are the top 5 leather birthday gift ideas:
·Gift Idea #5 - Ladies Zippered Leather Fan Wallet. This luxurious wallet is sure to put a smile on her face. And since it is for the ladies, you'll find that the bright pink interior combines nicely with the black exterior and stands out as a unique piece! Now your significant other can have everything at her fingertips such as credit card, ID's, checks and currency. So skip the candy and a pair of new socks and give one of the top 5 leather birthday gift ideas that she will cherish for years to come. · ·Gift Idea #4 - Men's Leather Classic Billfold. Men are notoriously rough on their wallets. And you may also know that men usually will not take the time to buy a new one for themselves. So what better way to get rid of that old beat up wallet than to give your man an elegant leather classic billfold? Even though he probably won't admit that he needed one, he'll love the idea that you got it for him and he didn't have to go. · ·Gift Idea # 3 – Leather iPhone Case – What a wonderful way to protect your investment! No more worrying about damages to your iPhone from sharp objects in your purse or briefcase. Just tuck it into this softly padded leather case and clip it to your belt or drop it in your purse. This is one of those birthday gifts that is ideal for just about everyone, especially since the iPhone is so ubiquitous. · ·Gift Idea # 2 – Leather Zippered Jewelry Case – Perfect for that woman on the go or just for use when you head on vacation and want to securely have your jewelry all located in one place without having to lug another piece of baggage. Plenty of storage for necklaces, earrings and more and the zippered enclosure gives you that extra piece of mind. · ·Gift Idea #1 - Leather Car Utility Kit – It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, old or young, experienced or newbie, this is one of those gifts that's useful and necessary for every driver. No longer will you have to dig and hunt for that emergency flashlight or the gauge to check tire pressure! Now you can have everything at your fingertips so you can keep your eyes on the road! And guess what, ladies? It comes in purple too! ·
Yes indeed it was quite a difficult task to choose from so many great leather gift ideas. In fact the list could have been much bigger!
Next, let's make it simple for you to find top quality leather birthday gift ideas that will make those special people in your life smile every time they use your gift. Do yourself a favor and visit to choose your next next leather birthday gift. Browse hundreds of top quality leather products at prices that are absolutely amazing! Have fun shopping! Labels: birthday gift ideas, birthday gifts, personalized leather gifts
by: CLCLeather

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The world of business – always uptight with attention given to the smallest details. From the shoes you wear, the fitting of your pants, the color of your suit, and your gestures, everything must be correct or you can say goodbye to a good promotion. So what are some ways you can increase your flatter points?
One way you can impress is by accessorizing yourself with an appropriate business portfolio. And when it comes to picking out the appropriate material, choosing leather will provide you with a very corporate look. Here are some tips on how to pull this off perfectly:
Compartments For Everything Other than their aesthetic value, leather portfolios provide a lot of functionality features for businesspeople. They hold many important items such as paper notes, documents, pens, mobile phones, contacts, and others.
Therefore, it is needless to say that a leather portfolio must have compartments and slots for everything that you plan to put in it. Before buying, make a list of these things and go for portfolios than can hold all the things you have listed. Some people prefer zippered folios since they don't want their important papers falling out while walking from meeting to meeting. Others enjoy non zippered padfolios because they are easily opened to retrieve important documents on time. The choice is yours.
External Pockets For Easy Access
Additionally, leather portfolios should not only contain internal compartments and slots but they should also feature external pockets. This will provide a lot of functionality for the business world.
For example, you might be keeping some things in your leather portfolio that occasionally need to be pulled out. These include calling cards, ID cards, and others. If there are external slots that can hold these things, you will not have to open your portfolio every time.
Designed For Your Field Of Work
Mostly, leather portfolios feature a general design which can be used for all fields of work and industry. And these are also good. But to garner plus points, you should look for a leather portfolio that is specifically made specifically for your industry (legal, medical, accounting, engineering, etc).
Specialized portfolios feature additional functionality that will perfectly serve their targeted industry. Those designed for people in the medical profession, for example, can sport patients’ contact lists and others.
Personalization Options
There are also brands and shops that offer personalization services such as engraved initials. This will not only give the impression that you regard your belongings highly, but it will also allow a prompt return if misplaced.
Appropriate Design And Style
Lastly, the design and style of your chosen leather portfolio must harmonize with the nature of your working field. For very corporate environments, simple and single-colored ones are more appropriate. And while women can experiment with more color, men should limit their choices to black, tan or brown.
So before you go shopping for leather portfolios, first check the tips mentioned above. They will help you find the one that will go perfectly with your profession and accentuate your business image.
by: CLCLeather

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On a recent trip to Europe, I found myself wheeling a heavy, hard sided suitcase; clutching my purse to my side to protect my hiding passport; making sure that a sweatshirt tossed over my shoulder didn’t fall off me; and leaning forward to balance the weight of my backpack.
This wasn’t the best way to walk across an airport parking lot in England. Have you ever found yourself in this situation? You have too many bags, too few hands, and not enough muscle to handle it all! The woman next to me with three children wasn’t faring any better than I was, as you can imagine.
Avoid travel distress by gearing yourself with the right luggage for your situation.
If you’re taking an overnight trip for yourself or for business, there’s no need to fill a large suitcase halfway.
Leather overnight bags or duffels offer protection for your belongings and a little stretch room to pack for longer trips. A lot of weekend-sized luggage offer special compartments for shoes, wallets, and other belongings. If you’re traveling by air, in addition to the carry-on perk of smaller cases, comfortable handles and shoulder straps offer a pleasant walk across the airport. Still more, many duffels and weekender bags have a wheeled option.
Juggling children and luggage at the same time? Wheel your luggage and exercise more control over travel situations that are stressful and chaotic. Also, if your bag is heavy, shoulder-carried duffels can become an awkward airport partner. Will you be able to carry your bag in a ticket line without getting tired?
TIP: If you’re a parent, consider buying the kids wheeled luggage so that they can help with the toting!
If you will be traveling for a longer period of time, a larger suitcase may be your only option.
There are many decisions to make: hard, soft, semi-soft, large, larger, wheeled? Hard sided suitcases are perfect if you will be transporting breakable items. Will you be shopping for breakable souvenirs? Soft and semi-soft sided suitcases are perfect for those who will be stuffing their cases to the max. With little trouble, find that extra inch for your shoes in a soft or semi-soft sided case. As for wheels, unless you plan to find another set of wheels (i.e. luggage cart) to do the job at the airport, or your bag won’t be all that heavy, the wheeled option is what I recommend.
For both weekend luggage and larger suitcases, there are endless color and style options.
I recommend that if you will be traveling internationally you opt for lower-key styles and colors. Perhaps you still want that individual look; that’s fine! There are many leather luggage options that will make you look elegant but not over-the-top. Add a monogram to your leather case or tie a bright, recognizable ribbon around the handle so that you can easily identify your luggage at baggage claim. Traveling internationally requires some thought since you don’t want to be easily tagged as a tourist and don’t want to stand out of the crowd in airport situations.
For the businessman or businesswoman a stylish leather garment bag is a best friend!
Iron your suit before you leave home, carry it in your garment bag on the airplane or car, unpack, and voila! You’re ready for your next meeting! This luggage accessory is so convenient with storage pockets and a padded shoulder strap. You’re too busy to worry about wrinkling; prevent any additional stress.
International travelers, consider a passport case for your passport and other important travel documents. Remember the hidden passport in my purse? Many passport cases or wallets have neck or shoulder strap options so that you can hide your important documents underneath your clothes or jacket, and pickpockets don’t have a chance of making a steal. In an airport in Italy, I (at the last minute) purchased a leather passport case and wore my documents under a sweater so that I could be a tourist worry-free in Rome. Don’t risk a difficult situation in a foreign country—protect your documents.
My advice to you. Now, before you even have to go on a last minute trip, research your leather luggage options. If it fits your budget, purchase luggage and accessories for different situations (business, personal, weekend, week-long, international). If you’re working with a tighter budget, buy luggage pieces here and there to slowly fill your luggage closet where eventually you’ll find what you need for every travel situation!
Labels: bag tips, duffel bags, leather luggage, overnight luggage
by: CLCLeather

Wednesday, February 09, 2011
You have probably always thought that Valentine’s Day is all about two lovers madly in love with each other and heart-struck with a love arrow from Cupid himself. But that is where you are mistaken. Romantic love is not the only form of love and among all the other types of love, the one you should never forget is the strong affection you have for your family.
There is your overly caring mom, your ever supportive dad (at times stoic), your mostly annoying brother, and your fashion-conscious, noisy sister. Throughout all the years of togetherness, do you not want to take this opportunity to show them how much you love them? Take some time to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts for them and relive the love you have at home.
And since leather is in season and it does not seem as though its fame and allure will die anytime soon, here are some leather gift ideas you can use:
Stylish Bag For Mom
Your mom may be a married woman now but she is still a woman. And as everyone in the fashion industry knows, women will always have that natural desire to be fashionable and stylish regardless of marital status or age. Do not think for a second that your mom already forgot about fashion.
So give something she will definitely love. A stylish leather bag will surely make her heart rejoice. But women have a really fickle taste when it comes to these things. So unless you are a woman yourself, do consider asking a woman’s help when choosing the right leather bag for your mom.
Nice Leather Wallet For Dad
Men do not really have that much need for accessorizing but they do have few needs and necessities. And one of the basic necessities of men is wallets. Therefore, do you not think it would be best if your dad would at least have a stylish (and preferably personalized) new wallet? He will surely love it.
And this is an especially a wonderful idea because dads, like most men, usually forget to get a new wallet and do not seem to notice that the one they are using is already torn and chipped. So when shopping for Valentine’s Day Gifts for your family, get a leather wallet for your dad.
Laptop Bag For Your Techie Brother
Now it is time to buy for your brother. You may have had quarrel days but the bond between brothers is special. You have one another as a partner in games, sports, and other trivial puerile matters. So what would be the perfect gift for him?
Brothers are usually techies nowadays and they simply love gadgets. And although you may not have the resources to buy him a laptop or a PlayStation 3, you can buy something which he can use to carry around his gadgets. He will surely love a leather laptop bag as a gift, if he already has a notebook computer.
Cute Little Purse For Your Sister
Mom got a stylish leather bag. So what would be the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your sister? Why not go for something closely similar to mom’s gift? Give your sister a stylish leather purse and she will surely adore it. And do not forget to ask for a woman’s advice when choosing the right purse for your sister.
So go ahead and start shopping right now. Take the time to choose, look around, and think. It will allow you to get the best gifts for the best people in your life. Labels: dad, family gifts, mom, Valentine's Day gifts
by: CLCLeather

Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Looking for gifts for men doesn’t have to be challenging when you look for something that is useful as well as being trendy and durable. Choosing a gift for Dads, husbands, boyfriends, college friends or any other men in your life is simple with the many options that are available today. You don’t even have to worry about going over budget to get a gift that they will love. 
- Some of the most classic, traditional gifts include men’s wallets, leather briefcases, ties, and sporting goods. Men love all of these gifts, especially when they are chosen by their loved ones.
- To make the gift truly special, look for features that make the gift more personal. For example, a high quality leather men’s wallet isn’t too expensive, but will last for quite some time before needing to be replaced.
- If you know that he doesn’t like leather, then opt for a high quality nylon or man made material that is both lightweight and durable.
- Leather briefcases are also very popular gifts for men. There are many different styles to choose from, including both soft leather and hard leather briefcases.
- Soft leather is an excellent choice if you know that he needs to carry a variety of items, while a hard leather briefcase would be a good choice for any man who carries mostly paper items and office supplies in his briefcase.
- Clocks and other desk items are also an excellent choice for any man in your life.
- Personalized Leather Gifts
Some of the best gifts for men are those that can be personalized with engravings or embroidery. For example, leather coin holders, wallets and briefcases can easily be personalized by adding an engraved message to the piece.
- Make A Gift Even More Personal
To personalize a leather men’s wallet, add a photo of yourself or his family to the gift so that he has something to look at when he is away on business. Briefcases can also include engravings, with one of the most popular additions to a briefcase being his name or company name.
- Personalizing A Challenging Gift
If you have opted for one of the gifts for men that are more challenging to personalize, such as golf clubs, then consider making them an even more special gift by adding a personalized accessory. Men, like women, love personal attention so make plans to meet at the golf course for a game and lunch with that special man in your life. There are plenty of ways that you can make even the most impersonal gift something that he will remember for a lifetime.
One of the gifts for men that are commonly overlooked is jewelry. Adding a pair of cuff-links or a tie clip to an impersonal gift like a tie can easily turn the gift into something special. You can also give him a leather zippered jewelry case to top it off with a quality holder for the things he treasures.
Take the time to look for something that matches his style, and then look for the item that meets your budget. You will find that there are hundreds of gifts to choose from, giving you an option for even the men in your life who seem to have everything. Labels: choosing the perfect gift, men's gifts, Valentine's Day gifts
by: CLCLeather
