CLCLeather Archive Page
Sunday, March 25, 2007
There was a recent article in a special section of Newsweek (dated March 20th, 2007) that outlined the growing importance of paper in a technology obsessed world. We could not agree more.

It seems that there is a direct relationship between the increase in techno gadgets and the need for paper, although back in the mid-nineties, there were some that argued that we would soon turn into a paperless society.

It is becoming more and more important to carry a paper and pen as it is to have a blackberry, ipod and pda on one's person. Hence, there has been a large increase of different style jotter pads and pocket memos with to do lists in the market. After all, they don't run out of batteries right when you are trying to input an extremely important contact's data. Plus, when it rains and the pad gets wet, you can buy a new one and continue with ease. Just make sure not to use the pad as a permanent note taking instrument. Rather, if you use it for notes and then transcribe these notes into your computer or pda later, these jotters will prove to be very useful and in fact indispensable.

Happy Note Taking,

The CLC Team

by: CLCLeather

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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Although our email subscribers received notice of our clearance sale more than a week ago, readers of our blog posts should also have the same opportunity to cash in on the savings now.

In our new clearance section, we offer many high quality leather products that are deeply discounted, just to make room in our warehouse for new leather gifts for the Spring and Summer. Now is a great time to find a personalized leather graduation gift or perhaps a gift for mom or dad.

While shopping, don't forget to add a leather repair kit to your cart because it really works. As we are collecting testimonials from our customers who have recently purchased this item, we have decided to test it out ourselves. I mean can something that costs so less be so effective in repairing leather jackets, coats, furniture, shoes, automobile interiors and the like? What's more, it does not require any heat!!!

Well, this item passed our test and we encourage you to try it. We are also receiving a lot of requests for leather conditioning products. So we are working out a deal with another US based manufacturer for a quality line of leather conditioners, lotions and creams that will be quite useful in taking care of your leather accessories. Stay tuned for more on this development.

You can subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news about CLC.

Happy Shopping.

-Adam from

by: CLCLeather

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Sunday, March 11, 2007
For those that missed the feature article in our March Newsletter, here's the story:

Last month, ABC News presented a special report about the direct relationship between heavy handbags / briefcases and an increase in back pain. Furthermore, the report argued that as a result of an increase in paper and tech gadgets, Americans are carrying more and more weight in their bags to and from work.

Additionally, our back does not let us feel the weight until it is ready to crack and so we assume that it is ok for us to carry this weight. One of the worst ways to carry a handbag or briefcase, suggests this report, is by the handle.

In order to avoid injury to the back, the report offers a few helpful suggestions. First, we should always try and carry less than 10% of our body weight in our bags and thus lessen the daily load on our backs.

We should also try to distribute the weight of our bags evenly on our bodies by using a shoulder strap and crossing it over one side so that the bag hangs on the opposite side of the strap.

Finally, the report advocates using a wheeled bag or briefcase if the weight of your daily work load is greater than 10% of your body weight.

Prevention is always better than cure and since we only have one back, we should take care of it as best as we can.

To read the full report, please click on this ABC News link

To view a selection of leather briefcases (with or without wheels) that all have cushioned shoulder straps, please click this link on our website.

Happy shopping,

The CLC Team

by: CLCLeather

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Sunday, March 04, 2007
In Western NY, it snows in April too, so March is a very tricky month for us.

Anyway, we thought the following inspiring words (that were sent in an email to us) would inspire all our readers who are having a gloomy day (feel free to bookmark this page (press CTRL + D and it will automatically be bookmarked)):

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish, and having ulterior motives; BE KIND ANYWAY.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; SUCCEED ANYWAY.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY.

What you spend years building someone may try to destroy overnight; BUILD ANYWAY.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; BE HAPPY ANYWAY.

The good you do today people may often forget tomorrow; DO GOOD ANYWAY.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOU HAVE ANYWAY.



-AdAm J.

by: CLCLeather

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