CLCLeather Archive Page
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The long awaited leather tissue box cover in a square shape is finally here and in stock! It fits all standard Kleenex, Puffs and other famous brand tissues. It is handcrafted and gift boxed. A unique gift idea for the business professional or home office person. Get this product or other desk accessories at our website. Ship center opens in less than a week! We will keep you posted on that news as well... -The CLC Team
by: CLCLeather

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A perfect selection of personalized leather briefcases can be found on our website for upcoming gift giving occasions. We have something for moms, dads, grads and whoever else you may have on your list. Plus we are #1 in Google for the search term, "personalized leather briefcase" (or briefcases). For the same term in Yahoo, we are number 6. More search terms relevant to our site are being worked on in our SEO department so stay tuned. Our ship center project is fully underway and we should have an image posted soon about the flyer we are making for our customers and local area residents. Free shipping, discounts and coupons are also incentives that are in the works. Stay Tuned, The CLC Team
by: CLCLeather

Friday, March 17, 2006
Appropriately for today, being St Patrick's Day, the word of the day is verdant, meaning green with vegetation, thus alluring thoughts of shamrocks and lush pastures. As of this week, we rank #4 in a Yahoo Search for " leather graduation gifts!" It is not too early to start thinking about graduation gifts, especially for college / university graduations. It is best to start planning ahead by finding out what the recipient would prefer, especially if the gift is to be monogrammed. We have a wonderful selection of monogrammed leather gifts for the graduate, whether college, high school or grad school. Happy Shopping, The CLC Team.
by: CLCLeather

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Our very popular desk accessory, the leather tissue box cover, has just been updated and is available online at our site now. Due to our valuable customers' feedback, we have redesigned this beautiful, handcrafted leather tissue box holder to fit a standard box of Kleenex® OR Puffs® brand tissues. It comes in two shapes, but the square shape is still not up on the site yet. The rectangular piece is available for sale immediately. The square one will be available by the end of March.
by: CLCLeather

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Like the folks at Google and other companies (who may not overtly admit to doing what we are about to disclose), we also recommend using the Firefox browser. ( For all those who are sick of those pop up ads, or having spyware sneak into your computer without you knowing it ( and thus tracking all your browsing activities and even finding out your passwords), or your computer crashing on you right in the middle of that important college essay (which you did not save, thinking that you would do it later), the Firefox browser is the answer. It is simply wonderful, easy to use, very safe and best of all, FREE. Furthermore, you can now transfer all your Explorer data and saved webpages to the Firefox browser as part of the download process. So enjoy Firefox now. Happy Browsing, The CLC Team.
by: CLCLeather

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Yes, all those waiting for lime green wallets, carnation pink luggage tags and wildberry (similar to flourescent pink) travel pouches can stop waiting and start shopping. You can buy all these products directly on our site! The spring pastel colors are here and this year, we have added 25 new products to our site, with a plan to launch 30 more in the upcoming months. More colors, more choices and more of what our customers want. Happy Shopping, The CLC Team
by: CLCLeather

Sunday, March 05, 2006
As we gain momentum in our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaign, we will announce the terms that rank us in the top 10 search results for Google and Yahoo. The first of such terms is "unique leather gifts," a search for which ranks us currently as Number 1 in Google and Number 9 in Yahoo! Not Bad, eh? Happy Searching, The CLC Team
by: CLCLeather

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Back by popular demand, eBay's Best in Stores contest has launched, allowing the winner to get up to $1500 or a free trip to eBay Live 2006 in Las Vegas! Here are some rules and links to further information for those that are interested: How To Enter the 2006 Best In Stores Contest First, make sure your eBay Store looks its best. For help on customizing your Store, click here.Next, register your eBay Store for the contest before March 31st, 2006 by clicking here. Community Voting Begins in April – Grand Prize Winners Announced in May eBay will select four finalists in each of four categories: -Best Looking eBay Store -Best Shopping Experience -Best eBay Store Marketing -Best Overall Success Story For official rules click here.Good Luck! The CLC Team.
by: CLCLeather
