OK so along with
USPS, and
DHL rates going up in the first 10 days of January 2006, the FDA has finally issued a deadline for all food companies to upgrade their food labels, effective January 1st, 2006.
The article can be found
here.However, one prominent attorney and Washington DC Lobbyist has issues with the new food labels and explains very clearly on
his site. He asserts that since so much money is involved in changing the ingredients to make 0 grams trans fats, the FDA has given leniency to the companies to write 0 grams trans fats as long as the product contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, which is a significant amount.
Here is an excerpt from his site: [If you want to read the article in its entirety, please go to
Mr. Stephen L. Joseph's site.Under FDA regulations, "if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram [of trans fat], the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero." Suppose you eat one serving of Product A, one serving of Product B, and one serving of Product C. Let's assume that each product contains 0.4 grams per serving. You have just consumed 1.2 grams of trans fat, despite the fact that each of the labels claims that the products contain zero grams of trans fat per serving! Click here for an article about the less than 0.5 gram rule. So be sure to check the ingredients list. If the words "partially hydrogenated" appear in the ingredients, the product contains trans fat. Also note that if the word "shortening" in the ingredient, the product probably contains partially hydrogenated oil which means that it contains trans fat.That's all for today's post. If we don't post tomorrow, Have a very happy and healthy New Year, and let's all try to make practical and few resolutions this year so we can all stick to them!Best regards from the entire CLC TEAM!
by: CLCLeather

As mentioned in yesterday's post about word of the day, we are starting this new series, but it will be weekly. If you want daily word of the day, you can go to
google's personalized homepage and see it daily.
Google has time to do this every day, whereas
we will be lucky if we keep up with it weekly.
today's word is quite appropriate for those who have already received their bonuses or are overdue for one. If not, you might use it when asking your employers for that extra Holiday add-on for the year:
perquisite \PUR-kwuh-zit\, noun:
1. A profit or benefit in addition to a salary or wages.2. Broadly: The benefits of a position or office.3. A gratuity or tip for services performed.4. Anything to which someone has or claims the sole right.
So stay tuned for next week's word of the week.
Until then, we will have daily posts about different pertinent issues. Our New Year's Sale is also coming up soon, probably on Monday...
Happy New Year to all and Happy Blogging!
by: CLCLeather

We don't know how long this link will be up, but we are posting it so everyone can get a look back at the past, learn from it, and not repeat our mistakes in the coming year, 2006. It's
Yahoo's 2005 Year in Review. Check it out, it's very refreshing, eye-opening, and needed for reflection.
Good luck with all your New Year's resolutions! We will also resolve to be consistent with are blog entries, albeit short at times due to other occupations with
CLC.More to come, including
word of the day...
by: CLCLeather

Please feel free to visit
our website and give comments. Many new things are planned for 2006 and we hope to be consistent with our blog entries as well.
The new design was published on December 16th, 2005.
Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year.
by: CLCLeather