As mentioned in yesterday's post about word of the day, we are starting this new series, but it will be weekly. If you want daily word of the day, you can go to
google's personalized homepage and see it daily.
Google has time to do this every day, whereas
we will be lucky if we keep up with it weekly.
today's word is quite appropriate for those who have already received their bonuses or are overdue for one. If not, you might use it when asking your employers for that extra Holiday add-on for the year:
perquisite \PUR-kwuh-zit\, noun:
1. A profit or benefit in addition to a salary or wages.2. Broadly: The benefits of a position or office.3. A gratuity or tip for services performed.4. Anything to which someone has or claims the sole right.
So stay tuned for next week's word of the week.
Until then, we will have daily posts about different pertinent issues. Our New Year's Sale is also coming up soon, probably on Monday...
Happy New Year to all and Happy Blogging!
by: CLCLeather

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